Hello to all parents!
It’s been a wonderful season and we’d like to thank you, your kids, and all the volunteers who make the Fernie Nordic Society Skill Development Program such a success.
Saturday March 7th is the last official lesson of the Saturday program! Traditionally we have a dress up day, so open your tickle trunks! The following Saturday we will have an informal lesson for those who are in town from 10:30 to 11:30 like usual. It’s also the Fernie Flying Viking Challenge, so those who are around can also cheer on the viking participants – and please check it out and register at https://www.fernienordic.com/vikingchallenge/

Tuesday March 10th is the last official lesson of the Tuesday program and we will dress up as well!
Saturday April 4th @ 10:30 am we invite the entire club to come out for a season finale and another chance to dress up. We will have games to play and fun to be had regardless of the weather! There will also be a BBQ by donation.

Stay tuned for information on ski rental returns and in the meantime, Happy Griz Days! and don’t forget about the Snow-to-Icecream challenge at https://www.fernienordic.com/the-snow-to-icecream-challenge-at-griz-days-2020
from Sam & Nancy and all the volunteer coaches